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Rich Soil

Writer's picture: RevShirleyMurphyRevShirleyMurphy

Updated: Aug 19, 2022

“But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold. Whoever has ears ought to hear.” Matthew 13:8-9

The “ears” Jesus speaks of are much more than our physical ears. He is speaking of our interior lives through which we are able to hear, comprehend, accept and choose His holy will. He speaks His Word to us in many ways. The question to ponder is whether or not we are listening and are ready to allow His Word to soak in. Only by an attentiveness to His Word can we embrace His will.

Our souls must be like rich soil. This is a familiar image from Scripture, but it’s an image that is worth spending much time with in meditation. Rich soil in our souls is not easy to obtain. It’s much easier to be dry, thorny, rocky and unwelcoming soil. But to foster within ourselves a true richness and fertile soil requires much care and attention. How is this done?

One of the most important places to begin, so as to create rich soil within our souls, is to strive for true humility. Humility is ultimately all about seeing the truth of who we are and, specifically, seeing the need for the grace of God in our lives. The humble admission that we are powerless without the grace of God is essential to creating rich soil within.

From there, we must come to a point of total trust in God. When we first humble ourselves and recognize our total need for God, we will be in a position to trust Him when He speaks. And when He does speak, we will listen and obey with joy. Only then can the good fruit of His mercy be poured into our lives and, through us, into the lives of others.

Reflect, today, upon your interior life. What is there? Is it more like dry rocky ground? Or do you regularly seek to nourish your soul and prepare it to receive the holy Word of God? Seek to create a fertile disposition within and the Lord will take care of bearing good fruit in your life.


Daily Catholic Reflections

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