You must have heard of people saying that the sky is the limit, and the world is the oyster. When we are going through a tough time and everything seems to be lost and we are in the verge of giving up, people always tell you take a leap of faith. Similarly, when everything around us is going wrong and we feel everything around us is causing uncertainty, we think we should do something entirely different in our lives. But that involves a huge leap of faith, and we hesitate as we are comfortable where we are in our present situation. For example, if you are not happy with the job you are in and you feel it dragging you down, and you suddenly wake up one day and think I have had enough of this job and I think I need a career change and you try to do something about it, it involves you taking a huge leap of faith.
When we do finally decide to take a leap of faith and throw ourselves into an unknown environment alarm bells ring and we are scared. We are more worried as we need to make that first step and put ourselves out in a world which is filled with uncertainties. Human tendency is that we are all happy in our own comfort zones. When we need to change, we need to get out of this comfort zone which scares us, and we are hesitant. But once we take that big step and trust and put ourselves out we will be happy and glad that we have made that huge leap of faith.
In my own personal life, I should say I took a big leap of faith when I decided I was going to give up my job in the airlines and move to Wales from London. Yes, I was worried and very afraid. But I put all my faith and trust in God and moved to Wales. For the first couple of years after I moved to Wales, I felt like I had made a very wrong decision. But then I realized I was not listening to God’s voice. When I finally accepted and recognised what God had in store for me, I was not afraid anymore. God has specifically chosen me and selected me to be someone who would go out and make disciples in the world.
As our Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20 talks about, he wanted me to make a difference, in a foreign land. (as I am an Indian born and brought up in India). Even when I was afraid of what the future will hold for me, God knew exactly what my future was going to be like. He had chosen me, and he knew what exactly I will do and achieve. There were times when I was fearful and was not sure whether I was making the right decision. But I knew clearly that God was leading me in this path. Every time I prayed; he showed me that this was the path he had chosen for me. But still I had a lot of trepidations. I knew that I had to listen to him and follow the path that he has chosen for me with faith in him which is what I ultimately did. Even now when I look back, I am grateful that God chose me and led me to this path and make me take this huge leap of faith. If it wasn’t for him, I would have still been working in an airline and not been someone who would have been able to make a difference in other people’s lives or make disciples of Christ.
The one thing I learnt from my past is that I started to listen to God. I knew if I listened to God and not be fearful, I could achieve a lot of things and help a lot of people which I am able to do now.
Romans 10:17 says, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Finally, when I truly started listening to God’s voice and got out of my comfort zone I felt was no longer alone. I needed to trust in him and take that huge leap of faith. Above all I learnt to embrace my present and was happy that I got out of my comfort zone at the right time by listening to God’s voice.