“I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.” John 12:46
In times of sadness or uncertainty, sometimes it feels as though nobody could possibly understand what we’re going through. But we are never completely alone. Jesus fully understands how we feel because He has felt it, too.
You may remember the old Flip Wilson routine when someone asked the comic about his religion. He answered, "I am a Jehovah's Bystander." "A Jehovah's Bystander?" remarked his friend. "I never heard of a Jehovah's Bystander."
Flip said, "Well, they asked me to be a witness, but I didn't want to get involved."
In these troubled times, I think Edmund Burke is right. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil," he says, "is for good men to do nothing."
We can complain about injustices, we can lament the suffering of the world and even feel sorry for the helpless plight of others. Or we can do what we can, even if it's only a little.
Theodore Roosevelt read a book by New York newspaperman Jacob Riis titled HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. We often think of the "other half" as living in luxury. The other half are those who are powdered and pampered. The rich and famous. Movers and shakers.
But the book did not describe the wealthiest few of society. Instead, it described the slums of the city, with all its vice and crime. Families living in poverty and fear - too afraid to leave their homes after dark. The other half, said Riis, were the poor among us.
Theodore Roosevelt was moved to action. He went at once to the newspaper office where the author worked, but Riis was not in. Roosevelt left his card and wrote on it, "Have read your book and have come to help."
He did not say, "Have read your book and have come to discuss." Or, "Have read your book and have come to compliment you on your writing." He said, "Have read your book and have come to help."
Nineteenth century writer Edward Everett Hale said, "I am only one, but I am still one; I cannot do everything, but still, I can do something, and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
During difficult times, it can be hard to imagine that anyone understands our struggles. We can feel hopeless, isolated, and even forgotten by God. But there is One who truly understands. Jesus knows your pain, and He knows how to help you get through it. He lived, suffered, and died for each one of us so we’d never have to be alone.
Jesus came to earth so that He would know how to lift us during our trials. He’s felt our temptations, pains, sadness, and afflictions. The following scriptures teach that Jesus truly understands how we feel.
Jesus understands what we’re going through. He wants us to be happy. He wants to help us through our personal trials. When we choose to follow Him, we can know that no matter what we face, we are never really alone.
Steve Goodier- www.skywriting.net