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  • Writer's pictureRevShirleyMurphy

Declutter Your Life

This morning when I was reading the Bible, this verse stood out for me and this is why I decided I needed to write this post. "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions" (Luke 12:15). I don’t think I am someone who buys things just for the heck of it, but still I thought maybe it’s time that I look into all the things that I have at home and get rid of stuff that we never use, so that someone else can benefit especially now with all the hike in prices such as gas, electricity and even food and clothing.

It was only this week, my husband Julian and I decided we need to do a good clear out of all the stuff we had in our house which we didn’t need or never use. We were surprised as we were able to give stuff that we don’t use to people who we knew would benefit from it. We even gave a lot of toys that my son had outgrown to a charity that helps families in need. Every time I have got rid of stuff, I have no need for I have felt a relief, but then I have also regretted that I have not listened to my husband who always used to say me to do you really need it when I was initially buying it. The freedom of getting rid of stuff that I did not require or need or even use made me happy and also realise how much of my life I had to declutter. I found that my life was filled with diary appointments and commitments at work and everywhere else except my house.

I thought back to all the time during this summer which I have missed with my son and husband only because my diary was cluttered with meetings and appointments. I decided I needed to make a change and really get on with the work-life balance as I felt I was at the moment not doing it. I can say with honesty that I have now made sure my diary is not cluttered and that I do have time to spend with my family.

I once read in a book that, “Clutter is postponed decisions.” I think that is so true as we always buy and leave things in cupboards and draws and forget about them. Well if we really needed them, we would have been using them instead of stuffing them into a cupboard. Basically, we need to realise the only place that thing belongs to is either the bin or in a charity shop as we have no need whatsoever for it. So, we need to get rid of it.

The art of cluttering is something that we all seem to be good at and easy in doing. I found however decluttering was the most difficult task but learnt that if I put my heart and soul in it, I could be merciless and get rid of a lot of thinks which were not needed.

I also learnt decluttering was similar to us holding a lot of negativity and negative thoughts and baggage’s and carry them in our life. It is easy to get rid of them if we put our ultimate trust in Christ who will guide us and help us and show us the path to true happiness.

Cluttering is almost like a disease, as we need to learn how to let go of it. Decluttering is hard but we need to learn how to do it and get on with it, for the sake of our own happiness and joy.

Ultimately while we are all surrounded with things that make us happy and good, we need to remember that things are just things. The Bible says: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21

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